The painting actually could be four separate paintings -- i c-clamped four canvases in the back to make the whole painting large but easier to transport. each quarter may stand on it's own, although the lower left is a little weak as it's own painting. this is the upper leftpleted painting. i actually took a lot more photos during the progression ... i could have made this in 20 steps but that might have been boring...
i will be at the 52nd Annual Art in the Park, Schouler Park in North Conway, NH on Saturday, August 3. I am attending in capacity as a judge of awards for the paintings.
Friday, Sept 6 i will be at the reception for the UNH exhibit from pm - 9pm (exhibit runs 8/26 - 10/11) 30 Academic Way, Durham, NH
Also, ATMOSPHERIC is the name of the exhibit at the Beacon Building in downtown Manchester, NH on 814 Elm st. and it will be running throughout the Summer of 2024!